Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Games on the table for Initiative: Try New Games

So the initial list is small and off the top of my head, but still excites me, so here is the preliminary list of games:

Fiasco - I have played, Hubby wants to play again. I was thinking with the Dragon Slayer or the Golden Panda play set.

Blowback~ This sounds like a blast (HA HA Get it? A Blast!)

Taste for Murder

Savage Worlds ~ A friend of ours hasn't played this and it seems right up his alley.

Apocalypse World

Do: Pilgrims of the flying temple

Dragon Age - OK I GM this all the time... I want someone to run it for me.

Ashen Stars

Cosmic Patrol

Don't Rest Your Head

Icons~ Again, I want to play this one

Call of Cthullu~ The only time I played this the big bad was a normal size gibbering mouther. Not too scary.

A Penny for my Thoughts

Wild Talents

Squirrel Attack

Eat and Run

There are more, but I can't remember them right now. However this list is a good start.

Ok... so maybe that was a failure and the reboot!

So my life took an extremely crazy turn as once I started reading things for the ENnies, I found out I was pregnant with our adorable son who now provides the roars for our Pathfinder games. That plus 50,000 pages of reading and 172 hours of podcasts and you have yourself a full plate.

However, being busy has not stopped me from loving RPG's. So I am restarting my blog with a purpose....

I want to try new games.

Seriously, how often do you buy a game book and think to yourself, "Self, this is a great system/setting, but I will never play it"? It happens to me all the time world, so I am going to do something about it.

I am going to get a group of like minded individuals together and we are going to play games... more likely one shots of particular games we want to try. Once every month or so. Different GM's and pregen characters. I will do a post of some of the systems that I was thinking and some that my husband and fellow gamers would like to play.

So I am going to launch the "Try new games" project. Do I expect to like all the games? Absolutely not. But I want to try them. This should be exciting and I want you all there for the ride.