Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Evaluation of a product...

Every product that we have for the ENnies goes through a thorough evaluation. Every judge does things differently, but I am here to explain how I intend to evaluate every product on my own.

I sit with a notebook when I read with the name and publisher of a product on the top of the page. Then there are two columns: Pro and Con. These are things I loved and did not love about the product. It could be broad, i.e. the class section is incredibly well written and easily understandable. Or it could be more focused: "The font in the second paragraph of _________ chapter is way off from the rest of the book." (Yes, I am that nit-picky. It comes from being married to a graphic designer.)

After I read the book, I put a star at the top and write "will or may" play test if I choose to do so, find an empty space (usually the back) I write a one or two line review of what I thought of the book from a read through. I will do the same thing for the play test, only this time I will take the feedback of my players and put it on the list too.

Why do I do this? Because everyone is going to have their own opinion when we discuss this. But we may not get to discuss this book until February, between now and then I could have read another hundred books. So I can look at my list and say "I liked this and didn't care for this."

It will make my job easier in the long run. (Also some of those reviews will end up here.)

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