Friday, August 27, 2010

My Idea Box...

I wanted to get this thought out to the general masses this gorgeous Friday, despite being sick and suffering with a horrible infection since Monday.

How do you store all your game ideas? Do you keep a notebook around? Do you run the game right away?

Due to a set and full schedule, I am not able to run the games right away, but I keep an index card box filled with my ideas (I have to admit that a bunch of them are related to super hero games, although that has changed the last month.)

I read the book and as I am reading and I come across something that triggers a game idea so awesome I can not let it slip past my fingers I write it down on an index card and hold onto it until a game day or a filler game, and then I can dust it off, write it and run it. Usually in a fantastic RPG, I can come up with anywhere from 3-15 game ideas.

Sometimes an RPG only needs to be announced for me to have my ideas for it. DC Adventures and Dr. Who are two games that fit that description. I am running my dream DC game at Boston Gameday and DC Gameday. I am also putting together an ICONS game based off of an idea in my idea box.

Ideas getting put into use all over the place here!

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