Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DC Heroes and Villians

Now that both volumes are out, I can fully talk about the awesomeness of the DC Adventures Heroes and Villians books by Green Ronin. I am a Green Ronin fangirl, and we pretty much own the whole catalog. I was so happy that my favorite company that publishes my favorite superhero game got the license for my favorite comic company.

First, I love the fact that they got permission to search the DC Archives for art. It was just right to use their art. I loved the original art of the covers. I love the fact that flipping through the book, I could recall which comic it was from and memories of my childhood or memories of dating my now husband and spending Saturday mornings reading comics and watching cartoons came flooding back.

Second, each entry was a well written history of a character by authors that are obviously comic book fans. For some entries, like Lobo, the writer chose a fun and different approach to teach the reader about the character. The authors also give tips for altering the hero to fit a certian age in comics. Aquaman, for example, has stats for if you choose to play the version of Aquaman with the hook hand. Robin (my favorite) has a section on how to alter the basic stats to fit the version of the character that you are playing. (More athletic for Dick Grayson or more investigatory like Tim Drake? You decide. They have it right there for you.) The Ra's Al Ghoul section made me squee with delight. (I LOVE the artwork that they chose.)

But last and certianly not least, I love the fact that I learned about heroes and villians that I had never heard of. It made me start dreaming of ways to introduce these very obscure characters to the masses.

They have a great index of all the heroes and villians, and they even include the pets. (Which by the way would be a great intro for young kids. An all pet heroes game?)

I recomend the books, even if you don't want to run the DC Adventures system, the changes between DCA and Mutants and Masterminds 3E are so minimal. You can easily run heroes in the M&M system.

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